Würth Group
2020 Annual Report
... a year in which the COVID-19 pandemic dominated our private, social, and economic lives. Having said that: 2020 also spurred us on. Made us creative. Gave us a new-found sense of solidarity. Showed yet again that we can trust each other. We have found a lot of good answers to all of the unresolved questions. And if the solution has room for improvement, we are working on it at full tilt. Together, we want to think ahead, research, develop. Create added value. Helping to shape the world of tomorrow—long after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. The outlook for the future at Würth? Like!

... people, two different perspectives. The past year challenged us to look at things from a different perspective. Things are often very different than they appear at first glance. Is it all a matter of perspective? Does keeping an open mind give you a wider perspective — or is it the perspective that changes the way we look at things? Art provides an incentive to adopt new ways of looking at things.
There is an opportunity waiting to be found in every situation. We just need to look properly to recognize it and have the courage to seize it. Art provides us with the space we need to do just that. In five museums. In ten art galleries. Throughout Europe. Or right behind your own office door. The juxtaposition of art and day-to-day working life provides inspiration for new ideas. This is Reinhold Würth’s conviction.

... hours a day, on hand to serve our customers. In a Würth24 shop, night workers can also receive the goods they need right away. It is faster than ordering online. This service provided by Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG, the nucleus of the Group, is in the vanguard. Because the question as to whether work can continue on the construction site often depends on a small but crucial part. You need something right away? Würth!
Particularly in these times dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, our multichannel strategy for contactless procurement is proving its worth: via the e-shop, the app, or in more than 550 pick-up shops in Germany alone. The ordered goods can also be picked up from Würth Parcel Stations in the shops. Of course, our sales force is still there to provide our customers with support, because there is no substitute for personal advice.

... kilometers north of the Arctic Circle lies Ilulissat. 5,000 inhabitants, 2,000 huskies, one Würth sales representative: Claus Hassing. He is supporting a project to construct an airport in Ilulissat. He visits his customers across Greenland by plane, helicopter, or boat—even when the temperatures plummet to minus 20 degrees. His bestsellers: brake cleaner and snow shovels for vehicles.
The Würth Group operates with over 400 companies in more than 80 countries. Internationality provides stability, even in times of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic exploded with a lag between countries. This allowed us to learn from each other about how to deal with it, support each other, and compensate for economic fluctuations. “We” are our 79,139 employees worldwide.

... percent of all screw fittings with only two bits! Our ASSY ®4 high-performance screw has become even more practical. Every detail has been refined. The new RW drive transmits forces even more effectively. The new thread allows for even stronger anchoring in wood while protecting the material at the same time. In short: less force required, quicker screwing, a perfect result.
With the ASSY ®4, Würth has launched the fourth generation of its legendary wood screw. The in-house innovation is offered in 1,400 dimensions in Germany. Further country-specific designs for our companies across the globe are testimony to the eye for detail we use to perfect tried-and-tested products — time after time, making the product consistently better.

... years! A life devoted to a vision. Curious, forward-thinking, visionary. It is with the utmost respect that we look back on the life’s work of Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth. He always treats others with respect. This is his very nature, his style. This is the essence of Würth’s corporate culture.
In 2020, Reinhold Würth celebrated his 85th birthday and the Würth Group its 75th anniversary. The company’s steady and steep ascent to the status of global market leader shows that successful entrepreneurship is shaped by people who get things done and inspire others, who share their vision with conviction and in the process have an impact extending far into the future.

... B2C products for a first-class cycling experience: With the cleaning and care products developed by TUNAP Sports, which forms part of the Würth Group, the cycling tour can begin. Be it for leisure, commuting, or professional cycling— the range has the perfect product for everyone. The Body Care line protects the skin from the sun and ensures relaxed muscles.
Würth is a leader in assembly and fastening materials, but has much more to offer: numerous footholds in a vast range of industries. This multifaceted corporate strategy makes it easier for us to compensate for volatility in individual areas, allowing us to get back on track successfully across the board once the COVID-19 crisis is over.

... square meters were dug up by employees of our chemicals company AP Winner in Changzhou, China, who sowed thousands of wildflowers themselves. This is because, in Chinese culture, respect for customers and guests starts at the very entrance. Flowering plants symbolize thriving businesses — and give the bees a helping hand at the same time.
Respect for nature and for guests, employees, and customers is firmly rooted in our corporate philosophy. We treat each other as equals, maintain our relationships, remain down-to-earth and grateful, and are prepared to get the job done ourselves. It is often the small gestures that create a human connection: a smile, a thank you, a greeting in the form of flowers.

... percent more tomato flowers with the right light exposure, regardless of the weather conditions and the season: The new horticulture LEDs make plants sprout! The individual light recipe, a combination of deep blue, hyper red, and far red wavelengths together with other LEDs, translates into more flowers, fruits, and vitamins. What a tasty innovation!
We turn problems into solutions, crises into opportunities, and knowledge into innovation. We research and invent, cooperate with innovation partners, and establish products. The Horticulture LEDs were developed by Würth Elektronik eiSos and are being made available to the greenhouse laboratory center at the Technical University of Munich for joint research so that they can contribute to our nutrition in the future.

... years ago, the carpentry workshop Bauereiß started making homey rooms from wood sourced primarily from the region. The company was founded by Hans and Birgit. Two sons decided to get involved, Florian as master carpenter and third managing director. Steffen came on board as the general manager responsible for strategy and culture. Würth is one of the reliable partners by their side. Bring on the next 32 years!
What the carpentry workshop Bauereiß and Würth have in common is their corporate values and quality standards. Nothing that the Bauereiß family would not put in their own home is allowed to leave the workshop. At Würth, no product that has not passed the toughest tests makes it onto the market. The next generation is also carrying these convictions with it into the future.

... days of trying to keep things on an even keel was a huge challenge for us across the company. The mission: to provide stability and be a reliable partner. What bound us together was our shared conviction: We’ll get there somehow.
And we did! We maintained our performance and delivery capacity for our customers to ensure that they were always ready to go, because the skilled trades are our passion. This is why we offer our 24-hour service day in, day out, meaning that every customer gets exactly the version they want from a range comprising more than 125,000 items. This attention to detail is typical of Würth. We are who we are, and we plan to stick to our principles in the future, too — cosmopolitan, versatile, techsavvy, or to sum it up: “Würth-like!”.

... thanks to our employees and their families, our customers, suppliers and business partners, and everyone who follows Würth with a friendly curiosity, no matter where they are in the world. Thank you for your commitment and trust! Thank you for your solidarity!
Especially in difficult times, such as those that we faced in 2020 when we suddenly found ourselves at the mercy of a pandemic, values that have become a matter of routine prove to be a solid foundation. Our family business got us through the year. This is something we are immensely grateful for and something that encourages us to keep giving 100 percent for everyone who is connected to the extended Würth family worldwide.